Hi! it’s Great to hear from you! Thanks for your words.
It took us around 3 months to ship UVdesk with all new design patterns and functionalities. We were going via Agile UX Methodology. I had continuous discussions with team over different critical case usability scenarios to create a quick walkthrough and a wireframe , which later on after few corrections turned into finalised UI Panel.
Finishing off the things quickly is a myth :)(my View not a Generalization :)) You should stay and finish it off. I am a 13 + 2 hours on a go guy. But I still focuses on the productivity by automating the repetitive processes and applying modular first approach.
Examples — Creating set of Photoshop Batch Action Scripts like 3D Text Action, writing small libraries like CSSPIN to save some time in real time project and coding few on the go tools like coolHue and myScale.
I think we should be lazy in terms of technique [however it still depends as per project brief] (should choose a one which requires least possible effort like I prefer Flat Design/2.o over Skeuomorphism Coz it’s always productive) but aggressive in terms of doing.